About Us

Faith Öktem was born on October 25, 1966, in İstanbul. He completed his primary education at Şair Nedim Primary School in İstanbul between 1972-1977, and his secondary education between 1977-1983 at F.M.V Private Işık High School in İstanbul. He completed his medical school education in İstanbul between 1983-1989 at İstanbul University Medical Faculty.
Fatih Öktem, who completed his speciality education in medicine between 1990-1994 at İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, worked as an expert chief intern in the same department after specialization. He received the title of associate professor on November 17, 2000, and was appointed as professor on December 3, 2009.

In 1988, between 1-31 August, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery internship at St. Thomas Hospital (London-England), from October 10 to December 10, 1993, visiting doctor at House Ear Institute (Los Angeles – USA), from November 13 to December 12, 2004, worked as a visiting doctor at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Department of Facial Plastic Surgery (Boston – USA).

In 1988, between 1-31 August, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery internship at St. Thomas Hospital (London-England), from October 10 to December 10, 1993, visiting doctor at House Ear Institute (Los Angeles – USA), from November 13 to December 12, 2004, worked as a visiting doctor at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Department of Facial Plastic Surgery (Boston – USA).

He is married and has 2 children.

  • Turkish Ear Nose Throat & Head and Neck Surgery Foundation
  • Turkish Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery Association
  • Turkish Laryngology Association
  • Turkish Rhinology Association
  • Facial Plastic Surgery Association
  • European Journal of Plastic Surgery
  • 26. Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck
    Surgery Congress (2001)
    Management and Congress Organization Committee
  • 27. Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (2003)
    Management and Congress Organization Committee
  • European Rhinologic Society (ERS) and International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose 2004 Social Committee
  • 28. Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (2005) Management and Congress Organization Committee
  • İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine 19th Academic Week (2006) “Advances in Facial Aesthetic Surgery”
    Assistant Secretary General
  • 5th Balkan Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Congress (2006)
    Organizing Committee
  • 29th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (2007)
    TKBBV Educational Course Board
  • 33rd Annual Conference of European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (2010)
    Organization Committee
  • Original research, article, review

    1. Tracheal reconstruction using alcohol-stored homologous cartilage and autologous cartilage in the rabbit model
      G. Keskin, F. Öz, B. Öz, F. Öktem, M. Gustafson
      International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2000; 56(3): 161- 167.
    2. Variables affecting the occurence of gastroesophageal reflux in obstructive sleep apnea patients
      Ö. Öztürk, L. Öztürk, A. Özdoğan, F. Öktem, Z. Pelin
      European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2004; 261: 229-232.
    3. Vibration characteristics of grafts for the tympanic membrane
      F. Öktem, M. Toprak, M. Yener, E. Bozdağ, E. Sünbüloğlu, T. Toprak
      Advances in Therapy 2007; 24(1): 81-90.
    4. Urinary N-Acetyl-β-D-Glucosaminidase levels in patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
      F. Öktem, O. Yazıcılar, GM. Güvenc¸ M. Toprak, H. Uzun, S, Aydın, E. Uslu
      Journal of Otolaryngology 2007; 36(4): 233-239.
    5. Detection of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity with transient evoked otoacoustic emission test before pure tone audiometer.
      S. Yilmaz, F. Oktem, E. Karaman
      European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2010; 267 (7): 1041-1044.
    6. Prognostic Factors of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Children
      E. Inci, T. Edizer, R. Tahamiler, G. Guvenc, F. Oktem, O. Enver, T. Altug, M. Ada, N. Korkut, M. Toprak, G. Can, S. Gokce
      Journal of International Advanced Otology 2011; 7(1): 62-66.

1.Granular cell tumour of the larynx
M. Toprak, F. Öz, F. Öktem, E. Acıoğlu, S. Yılmaz
Journal of Otolaryngology 2005; 34(5): 363-365.

2.Asymptomatic retropharyngeal abscess related to cervical Pott’s disease
F. Öktem, M.G. Güvenç, S. Yılmaz, D.T. Edizer, B. Karakullukcu
American Journal of Otolaryngology 2006; 27:278-280.

3.Intratracheal ectopic thyroid: case report and review
B. Karakullukçu, M.G. Güvenç, H. Cansız, F. Öktem, B. Öz
Ear. Nose & Throat Journal 2007; 86(7): 406-408.

4.Unusual localization of osteoid osteoma: frontal sinus
F. Öktem, E. Acıoğlu, M. Toprak, M. Ada, S. Dervişoğlu
Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2008; 37(1): E1-E4.

1.DNA flow cytometry analysis in laryngeal carcinoma.
F. Öz, B. Öz, F. Öktem, A Yalçıner
XV. World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery,
20-25 June 1993, Turkey
Abstract book, pp:62 Proceedings vol.: 2, pp.: 708-710

2.The importance of DNA flow cytometric results on the prognosis of laryngeal cancer
F. Öktem, F. Öz, B. Öz, G. Keskin
III Congress of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological
Societies (EUFOS) 9-14 June 1996, Hungary Abstract Book, pp: 518

  1. Ear Nose Throat Diseases and Head and Neck Surgery
    (C. Koç / Güneş Bookstore)
    Congenital Sinonasal Anomalies section (pages: 441-454)
  2. Otitis with Effusion
    (L. Soylu / TKBBV)
    EOM and Laser Myringotomy section (page: 97-102)
  1. Otosclerosis overview: 1980-1991
    Ö. Enver, A. Özdoğan, G. Keskin, F. Öktem, Y. Oran, D. Akan
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1993; 31:142-5.
  2. Hemangioma in the oral cavity
    A. Özdoğan, C. Işlak, F. Öktem
    KBB Postası 1993; 2(2):59-62.
  3. Tumour markers in head and neck cancers
    F. Öz, F. Öktem
    ENT Specialized Journal 1994; 2(1):26-32.
  4. The effects of thyrohyoidopexy and cricohyoidopexy on postoperative swallowing function in patients with partial laryngectomy
    M. Toprak, D. Şenocak, F. Öz, F. Öktem, G. Keskin, A. Gökçel
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1994; 32:188-92.
  5. Cerebellar abscesses
    M. Hancı, M. Toprak, H. Bozkuş, M. Uzan, F. Öktem, Z. Akar, A. Kafadar
    Journal of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery 1996; 4(3):262-6.
  6. Investigation of IgG subgroup serum concentrations in recurrent upper respiratory tract infections of adult patients.
    F. Öz, HS. Alaiali, G. Keskin, F. Öktem
    ENT Post 1996; 5(2-3): 51-5.
  7. Traumatic intratemporal facial nevre injury
    N. Korkut, N. Uzun, F. Öktem, F. Öz, M. Erem, M. Ada, M. Toprak,
    O. Yazıcılar, A. Kaytaz, İ. Devranoğlu Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1997; 35(3-4). 75-81.
  8. Middle fossa approach N. Korkut, M. Erem, F. Öktem, M. Ada, F. Öz, M. Toprak, M. Yener,
    İ. Devranoğlu, A. Kaytaz
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1998, 36(1-2):19-23.
  9. Efficacy of sucralfate on posttonsillectomy morbidity
    F. Öktem, N. Korkut, F. Öz, A. Özdoğan, M. Toprak, M. Ada, MS. Tezer
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1998; 36 (1-2):37-40.
  10. The effect of air pollution on upper respiratory tract and allergic diseases
    F. Öktem, F. Öz, M. Toprak, M. Ada, T. Ünal, V. Ahmet
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1998; 36(1-2):55-9.
  11. Leiomyosarcoma of the hypopharynx
    F. Öz, D. Şenocak, S. Dervişoğlu, F. Öktem
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1998, 36 (3-4):82-4.
  12. Infratemporal fossa approaches
    N. Korkut, Z. Akar, M. Erem, F. Öktem, M. Ada, A. Kaytaz, İ. Devranoğlu
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1998;(3-4):91-9.
  13. CO2 laser stapedotomy
    F. Öz, N. Korkut, M. Ada, F. Öktem, M. Toprak, A. Kaytaz, İ. Devranoğlu
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1998; 36(3-4):102-5.
  14. CO2 laser myringotomy
    M. Ada, M. Toprak, F. Öz, F. Öktem, A. Kaytaz, H. Gülen, F. Oğuz, S. Aydın
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1999; 37(1-2):18-22.
  15. CO2 laser adenoidectomy in laryngeal microsurgery
    M. Ada, F. Öz, M. Toprak, F. Öktem, A. Kaytaz, C. Yağız, N. Korkut İ. Devranoğlu, E. Güçlü, F. Oğuz
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1999; 37(1-2):23-6.
  16. Videoengostroboscopic comparison of CO2 laser and cold surgery technique in the surgical treatment of benign laryngeal lesions
    F. Öz, F. Oğuz, F. Öktem, M. Ada, M. Toprak
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1999; 37(1-2):27-31.
  17. Granular cell tumor
    F. Oğuz, F. Öz, F. Öktem, S. Erdamar
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1999; 37(1-2):51-3.
  18. Correlation of CPAP level and nasal resistance
    S. Yüksel, A. Özdoğan, F. Öktem, Z. Pelin, D. Karadeniz, N. Korkut, H. Kaynak
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1999; 37(3-4):71-4
  19. Changes in sialic acid in laryngeal cancers
    F. Öktem, M. Toprak, O. Yazıçılar, F. Öz, M. Ada
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1999; 37(3-4):98-104.
  20. Our approach to the patient with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
    F. Öktem, M. Yener, C. Hızlı, E. Güçlü, S. Bozan, F. Oğuz
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1999; 37(3-4):105-10.
  21. Approach to the patient with CSF rhinorrhea through a case study
    M. Ada, F. Öktem, M. Toprak, M. Erem
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1999; 37(3-4):125-8.
  22. Allergic background in childhood rhinosinusitis
    F. Öktem, V. Ahmed, C. Yağız, A. Özdoğan, S. Yüksel
    Ear Nose and Throat Clinics 1999; 1(3):132-5.
  23. Pediatric gastroesophageal and laryngopharyngeal reflux
    M. Toprak, F. Öktem, M. Ada, S. Bozan, M. Yener
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2000; 38(1):22-7.
  24. Role of laryngopharyngeal reflux in the etiology of laryngeal cancer
    F. Öktem, M. Toprak, M. Ada, Ö. Öztürk
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive  2000; 38(1): 28-32.
  25. The place of gastric pull-up as a reconstruction method in patients undergoing pharyngolaryngeal laryngopharyngoesophagectomy
    F. Öktem, N. Korkut, M. Toprak, M. Ada, F. Özçelik, E. Güçlü
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2000; 38(1):38-44.
  26. Osteoplastic tracheopathy: a case report
    F. Öktem, F. Öz, M. Ada, M. Toprak, N. Kalekoğlu, H. Durak
    ENT Specialized Journal 2000; 7(2):159-163
  27. Anterior skull base approaches
    H. Cansız, F. Öktem, İ. Papila, A. Özdoğan, M. Erem, M. Yener, C. Şenyuva, B. Canbaz
    ENT Specialized Journal 2000; 7(3):194-199
  28. Facial nerve neurons
    F. Öktem, M. Ada, M. Toprak, M. Erem, N. Korkut, A. Kaytaz, İ. Devranoğlu
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2000; 38(2): 95-103.
  29. Changes in middle ear compliance by SCUBA diving
    F. Öktem, B. Karakullukçu, H. Cansız, Ş. Aktaş
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive  2000;38(2): 104-8.
  30. Serum zinc levels in patients with subjective idiopathic tinnitus
    F. Öktem, M. Erem, H. Cansız, A. Gökçel, AR. Kızıler
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2000; 38(3): 150-152.
  31. The role of Human Papilloma Virus infection in head and neck cancers
    F. Öktem, S. Aydın, F. Öz, M. Toprak, M. Ada
    Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 2000; 8(1): 1-7.
  32. Giant branchial cyst with neurological findings
    F. Öktem, Ö. Öztürk, M. Toprak
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2001;39(1): 39-42.
  33. Ear, nose and throat morbidity after radiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal cancer
    F. Öktem, Ö. Uzel, M. Ada, M. Toprak, H. Cansız, H. Gülen, K. Tuskan
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2001; 39(2): 121-126.
  34. Effects of steroids on oedema and ecchymosis in rhinoplasty
    F. Erişir, F. Öktem, E. İnci
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2001; 39(3): 171-175.
  35. Management of a post laryngectomy fistula with a polymethylmethacrylate plaque: a case report
    A. Özdoğan, F. Öktem, N. Kalekoğlu, M.Yener
    Ear Nose and Throat Clinics 2001; 3(3): 152-155.
  36. Histopathological changes in the oral mucosa in diabetic rats
    A. Özdoğan, R. Yanardağ, Ö. Özsoy, F. Öktem, F. Oğuz, M.Yener, S. Erdamar
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2002;40(3): 180-184.
  37. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in patients with sudden hearing loss for whom medical treatments have failed
    E. İnci, F. Erişir, M. Ada, Ö. Öztürk, E. Güçlü, F. Öktem, M. Toprak
    ENT Specialized Journal 2002; 9(5): 337-341.
  38. Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease: Case Report
    E. Karaman, F. Öktem, S. Yüksel, A. Banitahmaseb, E. Acıoğlu, N. Uygun
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2003; 41(4): 220-223.
  39. Hemangiopericytoma of the parotid gland: a case report
    F. Öktem, E. Karaman, A. Mamak, S. Yılmaz, S. Erdamar
    ENT Specialized Journal 2007; 17(2):112-115

Two cases of primary nasopharyngeal tuberculosis
F. Öktem, F. Oğuz, E. Kıyan, O. Yazıcılar, A. Gökçel
24th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (1997)
Poster, congress book, pages: 693-696.
Frontoethmoid osteoma: Endoscopic approach
F. Öz, F. Öktem, Ö. Ozturk, M. Toprak
24th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (1997)
Poster, congress book, pages: 713-716.
Effects of noise on humans
M. Toprak, F. Öktem
1. Biomechanics Days (2000)
Free paper, congress book, pages: 200-209.
Basic steps of rhinoplasty
S. Katırcıoğlu, F. Öktem, S. İnanlı, M. Çelikoyar
27th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (2003)
TKBBV Educational Courses
Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2003; 41(3) pages: 189.
Practical points to be considered in order to achieve successful results in Srp
F. Öktem, G. Hafiz, S. İnanlı
28th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (2005)
TKBBV Educational Courses
Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2005; 43(3) pages: 176.

Two cases of primary nasopharyngeal tuberculosis
F. Öktem, F. Oğuz, E. Kıyan, O. Yazıcılar, A. Gökçel
24th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (1997)
Poster, congress book, pages: 693-696.
Frontoethmoid osteoma: Endoscopic approach
F. Öz, F. Öktem, Ö. Ozturk, M. Toprak
24th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (1997)
Poster, congress book, pages: 713-716.
Effects of noise on humans
M. Toprak, F. Öktem
1. Biomechanics Days (2000)
Free paper, congress book, pages: 200-209.
Basic steps of rhinoplasty
S. Katırcıoğlu, F. Öktem, S. İnanlı, M. Çelikoyar
27th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (2003)
TKBBV Educational Courses
Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2003; 41(3) pages: 189.
Practical points to be considered in order to achieve successful results in Srp
F. Öktem, G. Hafiz, S. İnanlı
28th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress (2005)
TKBBV Educational Courses
Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2005; 43(3) pages: 176.

  1. Turkish Otolaryngology Archive
  2. Editor of Cummings Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery (Turkish) chapter titled Face (page: 511-862). (Güneş Bookstore)
  1. ENT Specialized Journal
  2. ENT Clinics
  1. Atlas of Ear, Nose, Throat & Head and Neck Surgery
    (B.J. Bailey, K.H. Calhoun / Asya Medical Bookstore)
    Local and Regional Flaps Department (page: 650-700).
  2. Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.
    (J.J. Bellenger, J.B. Snow / Nobel Medical Bookstore)
  1. Research Projects
  • Domestic Research Projects
  1. Dynamic characteristics of skin materials used in tympanic membrane (eardrum) repair. (August 2000, TUBİTAK- Concluded, 2004)
    Project Manager: Prof.Dr. M. Savcı (ITU Machinery Faculty) Strength Unit
    Researchers: Assoc. Dr. M. Toprak, Spec. Dr. F. Öktem (Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty Of Medicine) ENT Diseases USA), Research Assistant E. Bozdağ (ITU Machinery Faculty) Strength Unit)
    Supporting Organization: ITU Machinery Faculty.  – IU Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine
    Project Amount: 45,000,000.-TL
  2. Dynamic characteristics of skin materials used in tympanic membrane (eardrum) repair. (July 2000 – ITU Research Project- concluded, 2003)
    Project Manager: Prof.Dr. Tuncer Toprak (ITU Machinery Faculty) Strength Unit
    Researchers: Assoc. Dr. M. Toprak (IU Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine. ENT Diseases USA), Prof.Dr. M Savcı (ITU Machinery Faculty Strength Unit, Spec. Dr. F. Öktem (Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty Of Medicine) ENT Diseases USA), Research Assistant E. Bozdağ (ITU Machinery Faculty) Strength Unit)
    Supporting Organization: ITU Machinery Faculty.  – IU Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine
    Project Amount: 12,000,000.-TL
  1. Variables affecting the occurence of gastroesophageal reflux in obstructive sleep apnea patients
    Ö. Öztürk, L. Öztürk, A. Özdoğan, F. Öktem, Z. Pelin
    European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2004; 261: 229-232.
  2. Sleep disorders associated with gastro-oesophageal reflux
    Jaspersen D, Leodolter A
    German Medical Weekly 2005; 130(48): 2779-2782.
  3. Sleep apnoea syndrome: A look at ethnicity, pathogeny and potential therapeutic approaches
    Barbe F, Barcelo A, Montserrat JM
    Sleep Medicine Reviews 2005; 9(6): 415-418.
  4. Symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and the severity of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome are not related in sleep disorders centre patients
    Kim HN, Vorona RD, Winn MP, et al.
    Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2005; 21(9): 1127-1133.
  5. Overlap of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrome: prevalence and risk factors in the general population
    Jung HK, Halder S, McNally M, et al.
    Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2007; 26(3): 453-461.
  6. Review article: respiratory manifestations of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
    Galmiche JP, Zerbib F, Varannes SBD.
    Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2008; 27(6): 449-464.
  7. Correlation of pepsin-measured laryngopharyngeal reflux disease with symptoms and signs
    Wang L, Liu XO, Liu YL, et al
    Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2010; 143 (6): 765-771.
  8. Obstructive hypopnea and gastroesophageal reflux as factors associated with residual obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
    Wasilewska J, Kaczmarski M, Debkowska K
    International Journal of Pediatric Otolaryngology 2011; 75 (5): 657-663.
  9. Tracheal reconstruction using alcohol-stored homologous cartilage and autologous cartilage in the rabbit model
    G. Keskin, F. Öz, B. Öz, F. Öktem, M. Gustafson
    International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2000; 56(3): 161- 167.
  10. Revision single-stage laryngotracheal reconstruction in children
    Younis RT, Lazar RH, Bustillo A
    Annals Of Otology Rhinology And Laryngology 2004; 113 (5): 367-372.
  11. Elastic cartilage engineering using novel scaffold architectures in combination with a biomimetic cell carrier
    Hutmacher DW, Ng KW, Kaps C, et al.
    Biomaterials 2003; 24 (24): 4445-4458.
  12. The effects of corticosteroids and vitamin A on the healing of tracheal anastomoses
    Talas DU, Nayci A, Atis S, et al.
    International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2003; 67 (2): 109-116.
  13. Study of rabbit septal cartilage grafts placed on the nasal dorsum
    De Souza MMA, Gregorio LC, Sesso R, et al.
    Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2008; 10(4): 250-4.
  14. Asymptomatic retropharyngeal abscess related to cervical Pott’s disease
    F. Öktem, M.G. Güvenç, S. Yılmaz, D.T. Edizer, B. Karakullukcu
    American Journal of Otolaryngology 2006; 27:278-280.
  15. An old man with a mass in retropharyngeal space.
    Hashemi-Shahri M, Alavi-Naini R, Naserpour T, et al.
    Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2009; 14(3): 197-196.
  16. Cervical Pott’s disease is revealed by retropharyngeal abscesses.
    Benhammou A, Benchreikh R, Benbouzid MA, et al.
    Revue de Stomatologie et de Cirurgie Maxillo-Faciale 2007; 108(6): 543-546.
  17. A neck mass with brachial plexus injury: Pott’s disease
    Aycicek A, Eser O, Sezer M, et al
    American Journal of Otolaryngology 2009; 30 (5): 350-352.
  18. Primary Tuberculosis Involving Epiglottis: A Rare Case Report
    Edizer DT, Karaman E, Mercan H, et al
    Dysphagia 2010; 25 (3): 258-260.
  19. Granular cell tumour of the larynx
    M. Toprak, F. Öz, F. Öktem, E. Acıoğlu, S. Yılmaz
    Journal of Otolaryngology 2005; 34(5): 363-365.
  20. Immunohistochemistry and differential diagnosis of a solitary flat laryngeal xanthoma: a case report
    Perrone G, Zagami M, Casale M, et al.
    In Vivo 2007; 21 (1): 119-121.
  21. Alveolar soft part sarcoma of the larynx: A case report of unusual location with immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analyses
    Kusafuka G, Muramatsu K, Yabuzaki T, et al.
    Head and Neck-Journal for The Sciences and Specialties of Head and Neck 2008; 30 (9): 1257-1263.
  1. Urinary N-Acetyl-β-D-Glucosaminidase levels in patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
    F. Öktem, O. Yazıcılar, GM. Güvenc¸ M. Toprak, H. Uzun, S, Aydın, E. Uslu
    Journal of Otolaryngology 2007; 36(4): 233-239 .


  1. Hexosaminidase as a new potential marker for larynx cancer.
    Olszewska E, Borzym-Kluczyk M, RzewnickiI, et al.
    Clinical Biochemistry 2009; 42 (10-11): 1187-1189.
  2. Elevation of nucleocytoplasmic B-N-acetylglucosaminidase (0-GIcNAcase) activity in thyroid cancers
    Krzeslak A, Pomorski L, Lipinska A
    International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2010; 25 (4): 643-648.
  3. Intratracheal ectopic thyroid: case report and review
    B. Karakullukçu, M.G. Güvenç, H. Cansız, F. Öktem, B. Öz
    Ear. Nose & Throat Journal 2007; 86(7): 406-408.
  4. Selective pathologies of the Head and Neck in children. A developmental perspective.
    Ozolek JA.
    Advances in Anatomic Pathology 2009; 16(5): 332-358.
  5. Lateral Ectopic Thyroid Goiter with a Normally Located Thyroid
    Amoodi HA, Makki F, Taylor M, et al
    Thyroid 2010; 20 (2): 217-220.
  6. Ectopic Intratracheal Thyroid
    Yang YL, Li Q, Qu JM, et al
    Southern Medical Journal 2010; 103 (5): 467-470.
  1. The place of gastric pull-up as a reconstruction method in patients undergoing pharyngolaryngeal laryngopharyngoesophagectomy
    F. Öktem, N. Korkut, M. Toprak, M. Ada, F. Özçelik, E. Güçlü
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2000; 38(1):38-44.
  2. Reconstruction with gastric pull-up in malignant tumours of the cervical oesophagus and hypopharynx.
    Çaklı H. et al.
    ENT Clinics 2003; 5(1):26-30.
  3. Pediatric gastroesophageal and laryngopharyngeal reflux M. Toprak, F. Öktem, M. Ada, S. Bozan, M. Yener Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2000; 38(1):22-7.
  4. Evaluation of gastroesophageal reflux frequency by the scintigraphic method in patients with laryngopharyngeal symptoms and signs
    Pınar E. et al.
    ENT Specialized Journal 2003; 10(4): 153-158.
  5. Infratemporal fossa approaches
    N. Korkut, Z. Akar, M. Erem, F. Öktem, M. Ada, A. Kaytaz, İ. Devranoğlu
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1998;(3-4):91-9.
  6. Our surgical approaches to infratemporal fossa tumors
    Ülkü ÇH et al.
    ENT Clinics 2002; 4(1): 30-37.
  7. The effects of thyrohyoidopexy and cricohyoidopexy on postoperative swallowing function in patients with partial laryngectomy
    M. Toprak, D. Şenocak, F. Öz, F. Öktem, G. Keskin, A. Gökçel
    Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 1994; 32:188-92.
  8. Our functional results in supracricoid subtotal
    Adalı M.K. et al.
    ENT Specialized Journal 1998; 5(1): 22-26.
  • Specialization in Medicine Thesis Advisory
  1. Comparison of cisplatin ototoxicity with pure tone audiometry and transient evoked otoacoustic emission test Dr. Süleyman Yılmaz (I.U. Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Department of ENT Diseases – 2004)